At a minor league baseball game recently (fun, by the way, everyone should go), I noticed this sign at the border between the field and the bleachers. This is a great design because that explanatory text isn't even a bit necessary - the pictures make the specifics of the danger quite clear on their own. Of course, that also makes this a bad design because that unnecessary text was, in fact, included. The gray area is the word "CAUTION!" - without it, the sign may read as "restrooms," since the universal signs for men and women dominate the design. Something needs to call the attention to the fact that there
is danger, before explaining it. Nothing quite does that like an exclamation point - or skull and crossbones, or something similarly bold. My suggestion is below, after a quick bit of Photoshopping... Yeah, probably better to stick with CAUTION.

good post, i must say i enjoy your sense of humor. by the way what park where you at? with a sign such as that you have to say they are fan freindly!!
Thanks, Pat - I was at the Sacramento River Cats stadium, which is definitely fan friendly, as is the whole industry of minor league ball as far as I can tell!
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