HitchSafe - Convenient outside-of-car storage...

It may smack of infomercial tackiness, but the HitchSafe actually seems like a pretty slick idea. A combination lock discreetly and securely holds a small stash inside your trailer hitch - a spare key, cash or credit card, whatever you need. Beats the heck out of magnetic hide-a-key slapped on the undercarriage! It's something I might not be ashamed to use - if I ever have a vehicle with a trailer hitch, that is...


Pete Kazanjy said...

Great for when you're at the beach / surfing, and don't want to bring your key in your wetsuit, but don't exactly like the idea of hiding it on your car somewhere....

Unknown said...

My brother used to work for the storage at delray beach and most of their car services has this feature. They tend to rotate people, so this makes it easier for them to have they key instead of having to find the last person in charge.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

This is great idea.